I have the window above my bed open and it feels nice

Also I have a crush on a 47-year-old woman who hugged me a few minutes ago

As far as I can tell, being born stupid and rich is the winning combination.

What good are things like integrity and morality and empathy and honesty and intellect and so on if it is impossible for your brain to even conceptualize them???? It is not that you saw these things and turned away from them—you never even knew what you were missing in the first place!

Consider that, on the other hand, an awareness or sensitivity to these things is a sort of dog whistle which only a comparatively small percentage of the population are attuned to. So in addition to your own shame and grief and embarrassment, you end up shouldering everyone else’s too.

And just because the deal wasn’t sweet enough already: you’re going to be dirt poor till the day you die, too!

Whoa! That blows.


One time I drove to the top of Grizzly Peak in an old police car and when I got there I saw two people fucking in an old police car

I don’t know what you jerks are doing with your night, but as for me, I sure as heck am making a mental inventory of all the things in my room that are probably giving me cancer!

Well: tonight I was Very Depressed, so I lit a bunch of candles and sat in my mostly-dark bedroom for a while listening to the fan. I cleared my head. I didn’t think about a god dang thing. And then for some reason I stupidly put on ‘Apocalypse Now’. I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just go ahead and add that to the long list of bad ideas I’ve had.


Laura took this in our garden the other day and I think it’s great!!!