i have been hit on / flirted with by a teenage girl basically every day i’ve been back in my hometown. see they think i’m their age. i am not proud of this! this usually happens at the bookstore. the bookstore is the only place i hang out besides the booze aisle at some crappy grocery store next door

and listen: i ain’t gonna take them to prom or nothing but i respect that sort of confidence!

today at the grocery store (i ran out of coffee) the cashier who rang me up asked me if i ever went to shows in DC. her name was “astri.” i thought that was neat. i told her so! i said “whoa, that’s a cool name” and she stuttered and stammered her way through “thank you” and i was like oh boy this poor girl thinks i’m in my chemical romance or something :-/

(one time when i was visiting my dad in tennessee some guys made fun of me for wearing a scarf and asked if i was in arcade fire (???))

(to my family / the authorities: i am not hanging out with teenage girls!!! hell i ain’t hanging out with anyone these days (sad face (so lonely (lol))))