i wrote a new DEAD TYMES article
i have a long list of headlines that i need to write articles for:
- Crazed Trillionaire Holds Moon Hostage
- “Future Corpse Identification Program” Shot Down at Congressional Hearing
- Deceased Man’s Closet Filled With Literal Skeletons
- Volcanic Ash Snowmen Latest Craze After Catastrophic Fuji Eruption
- Sheriff Issues Grim Warning to Ukulele Owners
- Last Remaining Electric Car Used to Power Human Hot Dog Factory
- Doomsday Cult Calls It Quits
- Local Man Stuck at Red Light For Two Decades
- Lobster Halfbreed Gives Tour of Meat Locker
- Construction Crew Discovers Crypt Filled With Skeletons Wearing Santa Claus Costumes
- Declaration of Independence Mistaken For Weird Old Toilet Paper
- Archeologists Unearth Warhead Filled With Vintage Playboy Magazines
- Recent Earthquakes Linked to Satan Laughing From Deep Within Dead Earth’s Core
- Every Organism on Earth Added to Endangered Species List
- Winter Olympics To Be Held on Planet NASCAR
- Bionic Arm Malfunctions, Strangles Inventor To Death
- UFO Crashes Into Church of Scientology Headquarters
- Mars Terraforming Initiative Thwarted By Doomsday Cult
- Former Child Star Spotted Roaming Wasteland
anyone want to take a few of these?
PLEASE NOTE!!!! i am really picky about these things
so i might not use something you write ;-/
i’m sorry!!! ;-/!!!!