My friend Lila sent these to me last night from Houston and said I could post em, cuz how could I not??

And that there is my fiancée standing in the ethereal glow of the STAR TAILOR sign. Yeah lol

‘inside the forest under the moonlight’ by caspar david friedrich

this is in the alte nationalgalerie in berlin and i am going to go see it as soon as i’m back in town

i’m replaying XENOGEARS for the first time since like middle school and it rules


my Cool New Friend (CNF) calvin

(a few lines up we were discussing urinals lol)

man . . . i’m starting to think i have a severe vitamin D deficiency. if my hero GRITT CALHOON were here, he’d say i look paler than a ghost’s dick in a paper factory. i’m always pale but this seems worse! i experienced this once before when i lived in portland, and it made me feel really bad. maybe i ought to do something about it. as i recall, taking supplements back in portland did help. well, OK then, i’ll buy some of the damn stuff and see what happens . . .

this is something that is not helping: i have zero curiosity about oakland anymore, and so i’ve stopped bothering with it. i have black-out curtains on every window in my house, and i never go out during the day. i think i see the sun maybe an hour total a week, mostly after 7 pm, when i sigh theatrically and leave my apartment to go get groceries. and even then, i’m dusted to the eyeballs in SPF 50, and booking it to get to traitor joe’s . . . so it’s likely i’m getting essentially zero sunlight?? They Say fair-skinned people are five or six times more efficient at making vitamin D from UVB rays than people living on the equator, and i believe it. even still, i think i’m being absolutely wrecked by a severe lack of the stuff

ANYWAY: yeah. i’m writing a little baby post about hanging out with my buds in oakland and LA, and there are pictures of me, and you’ll see how pallid i have become. oops!

emma seemingly has an endless supply of dante (the poet) stamps and memorabilia!!!

thanks emma~

ok well, look . . . i was wiped out all weekend, but i’m still writing up a little thing about my friends. also, for god’s sake, it has been such a bummer to be back here in oakland. i wish i were in some creepy little town in the middle of fucking nowhere with them, is what i’m saying!