Charlie Dumpo and Kevin Burpo took turns punching each other in the face; they had been going at it for over three hours. Charlie Dumpo’s face was purple and his eyes were black and swollen. Kevin Burpo’s lip was busted open and he was missing four teeth.
Charlie Dumpo took a swing at Kevin Burpo’s face. His fist landed hard on Kevin Burpo’s cheek. Kevin Burpo laughed wildly.
“Pretty good?” said Charlie Dumpo. “Pretty good? Pretty good?”
“Very good,” said Kevin Burpo. He spit out another tooth.
Charlie Dumpo smiled. He adjusted his posture; he sat upright. His spine was as straight as a witch’s dick.
“Ready?” said Kevin Burpo. “Ready, ready?”
“So ready,” said Charlie Dumpo.
Kevin Burpo wound up his arm like a cartoon baseball pitcher. He spun it behind his back a dozen or so times. Finally he released the punch. His fist smacked into Charlie Dumpo’s nose. It made a sound like a gallon of mayonaise dropped onto a sidewalk.
Blood poured out of Charlie Dumpo’s nostrils. A cashew-sized piece of his brain slid out as well. It dribbled down his face and neck and onto his T-shirt. Charlie Dumpo carefully picked it up with his thumb and index finger. He placed it in his palm. He extended his palm to Kevin Burpo.
Kevin Burpo examined the cashew-sized piece of Charlie Dumpo’s brain. It was grey and wormy. It looked like spoiled meat.
“Nice,” said Kevin Burpo. “Very nice.”
Charlie Dumpo laughed like hell.
Kevin Burpo formed his fingers into tweezers and collected the piece of brain from Charlie Dumpo’s palm. He broke it into two smaller pieces. He plugged his nostrils with each half. He inhaled them violently. They were gone in an instant, were absorbed into Kevin Burpo’s head.
“Yeah?” said Charlie Dumpo.
“Yeah,” said Kevin Burpo.
Charlie Dumpo clapped his hands. Kevin Burpo burped. The two smiled.
“Ready?” said Charlie Dumpo. “Ready, ready?”
“Oh yeah!” said Kevin Burpo. He leaned forward.
Charlie Dumpo punched Kevin Burpo in the face as hard as he could. It made a terrifying noise. Charlie Dumpo and Kevin Burpo laughed like maniacs.
The planet spun on its axis. The planet rotated around the sun. The sun was setting in the sky. The light was fading. The trees were silent. The buildings were dark. The sea gave up the dead.