Last night I watched this movie called DREAM LOVER. It’s ostensibly a sort of thriller about Yuppies In Love but then it becomes a whole other thing. It’s not very good but James Spader has fantastic hair and, sorry, Mädchen Amick (my girlfriend) is naked a few times.

There was a scene that looked familiar:

. . . it reminded me of one of the hotel scenes from WILD AT HEART:

I guess aloof yuppies would probably lay in a post-coital stupor upon silken sheets like that, whereas people who are truly in love would lay like Sailor and Lula in a cheap hotel room. Or anyway that’s what I think. But then what the hell do I know.

Though yeah: DREAM LOVER is bad in an interesting way and it’s worth watching. I kinda like movies like that. It’s on the Criterion Channel, along with BODY HEAT and THE LAST SEDUCTION, both of which are thematically similar for reasons I won’t spoil!

Why isn’t James Spader in more stuff? He’s real good. I guess his scarcity makes him all the more precious.