I will be in the city of LOS ANGELES in MID-JANUARY. Uh! Let’s hang out dude. Yeah. I am going because I want to see my friends there. It has been some time.

The weekend after that I am having a HUGE BIRTHDAY PARTY. It will be the first one I’ve ever thrown for myself . . . and really it’s just going to be another surreal dream of a party similar to the Funeral of Kermit the Frog. I have a few ideas in mind . . . namely, a public trial and a public execution . . . or, shit, what if I bought a huge inflatable hot tub and hired a Swedish masseuse or something, and turned my backyard into a spa? What if we celebrated the end of the world? What if we celebrated the fact that I was just crowned Duke of Oakland / Tyrant of the East Bay? Hmmmm. We’ll seeeeee~

As they say: WATCH THIS SPACE. Someone told me we had something like 35 people at the Kermit funeral. Can you imagine? Man, I’m gonna make this next one real huge and insane. I had a stupid awful backstabbingly fucked rotation around the sun so please show up at my house and feel weird with me and all the coolest kids in Oakland. OK!!!