from NIGHTFALL (1956), a solidly decent noir that definitely inspired FARGO

anyway: i have a 5.5 hour train ride up to new york city tomorrow, so i will finally sit down in a big plush seat on the 20 crescent train headed north and finish writing some posts i’ve been working on. i decided to forgo taking the bus out of union station in DC this time because, you know, it’s my birthday this weekend. so sure, i’ll pay a little more for a little more class. that flixbus always smells like a urinal cake. i’m ok with not smelling that for five hours. meanwhile my train ticket has promised me there is wifi and no middle seats. hey baby: sounds good to me!

you only have two more days to get me a birthday present, by the way . . .

for those of you in the back, feel free to send a few bucks my way:

i also accept checks, money orders, and gold! (am i joking???)

ok seeya tomorrow!!! ☆彡