I almost forgot to post this . . . so here it is! Back in December / January, I traveled with my friends from Chalk Talk while they were on tour through the Southeast. They needed an extra car to carry their equipment and half the band, and I needed a reason to exist, and so I met them in Little Rock and together we drove from state to state as they played shows every night. In nine days we covered 1,800 miles. At the end of the tour, we arrived in Savannah, Georgia, where Fia (the drummer) and Rory (the touring lead guitarist) lived. And it was there they filmed a music video for their new song THE IDIOT, and asked me to play the part of a sleazy gameshow host, which of course I did. And because Fia’s boyfriend was a film dude, they were able to round up an entire crew to film this thing. See, I had pictured an iPhone on a tripod. Not so . . . it was real pro.

Anyway, here it is:

Maybe I should finally write about that trip like I did when I traveled with Bex and her band from Oakland down the coast Los Angeles the summer before I left California for good, which incidentally is when I met Chalk Talk. Well! Soon, then . . .

Finally: I love them. They’re great!
