If I were an X-Men, my mutant ability would be to know when people are pretending to laugh in pictures.

So: Is the great machinery of the cosmos an enormous billion-year-old bubble gum glob of collective misery?? And when we’re born, are fragments of that glob dispensed at random into human-shaped entities and sent to earth to live out a few more decades of misery, only to die and be absorbed back into The Great Everything?

Are we agents of the cosmos? Are we assembled and deployed to gather experience for its vast mind? To gather misery???

Do we return to the source to have our insides mixed around again???? Are we then sent back for more???

How many organisms have you been? Have I?? How many planets have I lived on???

How long have I been doing this????????


Hey has anyone else gotten to the “blacked out windows and doors” phase of their life yet

I left my little black cap in at the Pipehouse in Oakland, and my friend Leyla said our buddy Mitch has been cosplaying as me ever since???

Clothes are dumb. Fashion is dumb. Sorry guys.

But here’s a weird thing about clothes that I have noticed~~~

I wear black because it’s real honest and utilitarian and economical and so on. It’s a cheap uniform that I never have to think about. I am not making a god dang statement (lol), I just like jumping into my cartoon character closet and being done with it!!


There is a scene in ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’ where Shia “The Beef” Labeouf creates a diversion in a diner to escape from some KGB agents that are after him and ol Harrison Ford. Shia punches a jock in the face, and the jock’s girlfriend then punches him in the face. The other jocks rally to fight. Shia stumbles into a group of greasers, who are His People, and they help him fight off the jocks. Hah!



A strange quiet phenomenon I have noticed is that there is definitely a “this guy’s all right” thing that goes on between people who dress in all black. This exists in a billion different forms regardless of clothing!!! That’s how we evolved and all that shit (and uhhhh maybe what also keeps us from evolving further (lol)). In my case it is a cute and mundane kinship and, I don’t know, I just think it’s funny as heck. The best part is when you get a solemn head nod or some other tiny affirmation from a fellow black-clad dude. Hoo!! I love it.

I don’t know if I’d count on them to jump into the fray if some square started pushing me around, but I like to think that they would~~~~

i would~~~~~~~~~~

ok bye


Whoever made this is a hero to the human race whether they realize it or not!!!!

My friend Kerwin asked me if he should start drinking coffee, and I told him: “Coffee rules. It’s like water for depressed people.” (lol)

and last week, he told me: “It’s ok as soon as you accept that it’ll never be ok.”

Yeah baby!!

There is a woman who works at the Trader Joe’s on Cesar Chavez near my house. She wears all black and kind of looks like Sofia Coppola. Anyway I love her. I told her that today when I was grocery shopping, but she probably couldn’t hear me because she was on the other side of the store.

This is the Japanese “F for Fake” poster. Isn’t it cool?!