The sun now sets in Berlin at 7:30 pm. By June it’ll set at 9:30 pm, which is an hour after it sets in Oakland. In the dead of winter, it was 4 pm. I don’t even really like the sun but it was fucking miserable there for a while. And so now I open the blinds and crack the windows all day long on account of my missing the sun. Everyone in Berlin is in a much better mood now. It’s palpable!

Anyway, here’s big-ass Dante in the sun today. He lay in it for a long time while I was in the kitchen making my stupid ritualistic breakfast, which I eat at noon. The end!

I’ve been meaning to put this thing together for a long time, by which I mean a page for the skincare routine Laura and I made, and now I’ve done it. I think it looks pretty good!


There are a bunch of mini pages like this I’ve been working on . . . so I should go ahead and finish them. For instance, I made a page documenting the funeral and resurrection of Kermit the frog, which were two accidental performance art parties I had in my backyard back in Oakland. I’ll post that one next. OK?

Well: I hope my skincare sub-page is of some use to you if you’re into that sort of thing. See, I used to just have this text document with instructions and links in it that I’d send around. But it always ended up getting outdated and it felt archaic to just keep everything in some random ass document on my computer, so now I got this thing. Yeah?

OK good-night~ ☆彡

My friend Stella posted something that, for whatever reason, reminded me of the Starchild from 2001. That night I had a dream about the Starchild.

Why? Who knows. I guess I just like that thing.

Anyway: I watched the movie again the following night. I had not seen in a six or seven years. It’s extremely good obviously. It’s also super chill to hang out with. I was bummed I didn’t have weed.

HAVING GOT MY FIX, I then watched A CLOCKWORK ORANGE. Now this one I had not seen since high school. I remember watching it with this girl I was in love with at the time. I was 15 and she was 17. I spent the night at her house and we made popcorn and put it on. At the time I remember really liking it, but it also terrified me. I avoided it for years after that because it reminded me of that girl. She didn’t do anything to me . . . it was just unrequited love is all, and the first time I had ever experienced that, so it wounded me especially bad. Hah!

Though yeah, upon rewatching it exactly 20 years later, I dug it a lot. It was screamingly obvious now, but had escaped me back then, that for all the utter brutality and darknesses it exhibits, it is definitely a comedy. Malcom McDowell plays Alex as this completely bizarre, wholly unique and almost alien person, and despite being a vile psychopath, you end up liking the guy in some way. He’s also the only character who knows he’s in a movie. He even raises a toast to audience while staring directly at us in the first thirty seconds of the movie:

Apparently one of the reasons Malcom McDowell was hired was because he can burp on command, which he does here:

It’s a comedy!

I wonder what I should watch next. I can’t watch EYES WIDE SHUT because that’s a Christmas movie. So I guess tomorrow night I’ll watch LOLITA. I’ve actually never seen that one. I’ll report back once I have~